Friday, April 25, 2008

Good News & Scary Story!

I received good news today!
Lea: jpa masukkan duetttt
Lea: rm****~!!!!
Haha!!! This is what all of the JPA scholars have been waiting for almost a month!! I received this good news while studying Business Ethics..and suddenly what goes inside my mind has nothing to do with ethics...but...i'm thinking when & where am i going to spend the money!! Alamak...ethical ke tak ni???

Later, in the afternoon..I had my lunch all by myself =( Then, I went to Mas's house to study Business Ethics together with Lea & Puteh. I stayed there until 11.15pm but just minutes before I'm going back. Puteh told this:
Korang penah dengar cerita tak, malam-malam....kat station minyak......blablabla
My heart was beating damn fast when she started to cerita..Yes! I admit, I am a bit penakut..Imagine yourself, you will be walking alone to your car at night and she started to tell you this story..isn't that a bit scary? Luckily, I parked my car in front of Mas's house. Btw, she's staying at flat. My very kind friends (Mas,Lea & Puteh) decided to tolong tengok-tengokkan from the window..just in case, someone or something? trying to do bad on me. Alhamdulilah. I reached Baiduri safely!

Statement: I'm scared of KUCING @ CAT

Explanation: I don't know why but yes! I am penakut of kucing *haiwan kesayangan Nabi*.

Fact #1: If I have lunch at a place where KUCING exist, you can see me so kelam-kabut trying to finish my makanan. Yes, I'm scared the KUCING will want to eat my makanan! Hehe

Fact #2: KUCING at my house penah cakar my jari while I'm trying to give him/her food. I'm phobia. Now, if I want to give KUCING at my house makan, the jarak between me and the KUCING will be at least 1 metre apart. Btw, a lot of KUCING suka lepak-lepak outside my house!

Fact #3: My cousin has KUCING at her house. When I'm sleeping at her house, I will cover my whole body *head to toe* with blanket because the KUCING love to lalu-lalang while I'm sleeping.

Fact #4: KUCING can be a stalker! Yes, it happened. As I walked with my friend to our cars, there was this KUCING keep following us. To make matter worse, both of us are scared of KUCING! We put our own life in danger as we had to walk in the middle of the road to avoid the KUCING. *sigh* smart KUCING stupid US! Until it reached to a point when we decided to pecut 100metre to our own car. Hey, I managed to reach inside the car first and straight away locked the doorcar! again! stupid ME! *mcm la KUCING tu tau bukak pintu kereta pulakkan!* My heartbeat was beyond average.

Fact #5: I used to bela anak KUCING. But sadly, tak hidup lama! FYI, I cannot bela KUCING as I have asthma =(


1 comment:

NA said...

alasan takut kucing.
aku teringat bile kita makan kat gerai abah tu.
ko sanggup makan cepat-cepat dari berkongsi makan dengan kucing kan?
tak pown ko sanggup bagi aku makanan ko as long kucing tu tak makan kan?
sangat keji wei bile difikirkan balik.